Wednesday, June 16, 2010


so i don't know if i've really officially mentioned it before, but i love color. like, love love LOVE color. so, in thinking through decorating my apartment for next year, and as thriftily as possible, i've totally settled on having brightly colored (refinished) furniture and decorating in color. and, although i will be a broke, rice&bean-eating graduate student in just a few weeks, i can't think about sacrificing my sanity or a happy space in which to live! SO, instead of just going nutty creating images of what i can (and mostly cannot) have in my future apartment, i've created a special beautiful happy "inspiration book" where i can save pretty pictures from magazines and catalogues and doodle ideas. said book is mostly a way of talking myself down from things i think i need while helping me create all that from what i have.

for instance, my mom AMAZINGLY remembered that she has a desk in the attic that I of COURSE may have--and paint! i've also remembered that i can sew and am a pretty crafty person, so why shouldn't i be creating my own accessories and artwork for the apartment. when i stumbled upon this awesome tutorial for fabric roses, i knew i needed to do something with them. so, i'm endeavoring upon a new sewing/quilting project creating a rose-covered pillow.

step 1: make roses

so here's the start. i've made 18 roses, so far, but i'm thinking i need about 25--so, 2 more colors? i'm glad i've had a start to creating something fun and beautiful and i can't wait to see where these colors take me.

aside from my personal apartment design crisis, i've mostly been hanging out and babysitting. seeing this guy's smile on a regular basis doesn't make anything too bad.

oh, and i made a really, really dangerous decision in stopping by peace camera yesterday to "test out" a 35mm prime lens for my camera. talk about coveting. so...anyone who has babysitting to be done can just holler so that i can save some extra money for a new lens!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

can't wait to see the final rose pillow project! such a neat idea!