i really love live music. i was having this discussion with my brother two days ago, in fact. there's something about the music being live that makes it okay when it's not even that great. and even if you'd never listen to the music any other time in your life, the fact that it's happening right there in front of you makes it ten times better. there's something about concerts that always make me say "wow, that was the best show i've ever seen". usually i exaggerate, but i really can't say what show was the best, because they're all great for their own reasons. ben folds was great just because he rocks, tom petty was outstanding since we saw him from the 3rd row, and kenny chesney just really loves performing and it's quite evident in his performance.
anyways, i wish i were cool like mikey, my brother [yeah, never thought i'd say those words ;)], and i had the chance to go to live shows all the time, but i guess i can make do with the two concerts for which i have tickets in the near future!
august 6th, i'll be seeing these guys at walnut creek, the outdoor amphitheatre in raleigh!
mikey might be a little ashamed of my saying that i'm most excited about this
concert, but i just know their music much better than i know these guys':
nonetheless, i'm sure both shows will be pretty amazing, and i'm excited.
well, enough procrastinating...i need to get back to work, seeing as i only have 11 days left of classes and a TON of work to do in the meantime!
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