Thursday, April 16, 2009

i'm danish?

yes...i'm danish (fun fact, my relatives founded denmark, wisconsin! wooohoo). 
but case you haven't heard, i'm going to denmark this summer. well, being as i am danish, of course there is family still in denmark that is just waiting to meet me (ha!). so, thanks to my grandmother i've officially initiated contact with family in the maidenland. i emailed her cousin leah (who i've never met, by the way), and she gave me the contact information for my 1839538925th cousins john & jenny (pronounced yenny, of course) hansen in denmark. 

the world just seems to get smaller and smaller. really. 

also, it may be extremely strange, but i feel like zenon in "zenon: the zequel" when she makes contact with the aliens who have been transmitting "zoom, zoom, zoom" messages to her. although i'm leaving for denmark in just over 5 weeks, it still seems so distant. there's something infathomable about the size of the earth when you've only been within 4 time-zones of it. so yes, i am comparing my contact with those in another country to zenon's contact with aliens. yeah, the mind does work in strange ways...but that's okay!

it's a small world, after all. 


Mike said...

Kellie said...

whoa...that's cool!