it just so happens that my break may have been too good. so good, in fact, that i even said a tearful goodbye to north carolina (and my parents), and i didn't exactly want to come back to colorado. i know...weird. it wasn't so much that i wanted to stay in nc, but i think it was more that i'm not quite sold on having found my place at CSU. moreover, being home sent me into an existential crisis where i realized that my research interests do not necessarily determine a career path. more than anything else, the break solidified the fact that 2011 is going to be a big year for me.
so in good new year's fashion--and better late than never--i've come up with a few goals for the year.
- take at least 3 long ski weekends and ski at least 20 days this season
- learn to knit socks (i'm starting a 4-week class on the 20th!) and keep working on other knitting skills
- read at least 5 books off my bookshelf before buying something new
- remember to take reusable bags to the grocery store/target--i have them and MUST use them!
- figure out a plan for this summer (preferably with pay!)
- train for and run the bolder boulder over memorial day weekend
- research and apply for ph.d. programs for the 2012-2013 academic year
- get music back into my life (would it be cliche to pick up ukulele?)
- continue using my camera, cooking, designing, and writing (yes, that means blogging...)
- love being 23, have fun, make new friends, keep the old, and be happy!
i feel like these goals are generally attainable....the bolder boulder is going to be a stretch, but as long as i really try, i know i can do it.
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