Tuesday, March 30, 2010

bike is the theme...

bikes, apparently, seem to be the theme of my life these days. i haven't had any time to blog lately, let alone take any pictures. so, today when i finally downloaded all the pictures i took on spring break (2 weeks ago), i realized that the majority of my pictures have been of bikes these days. funny since a. the last time i was on a bike was in denmark, and b. our class gift (an event i am co-chairing) is two bicycle racks, so the logo is a bike.
anyway, in taking a break (read: procrastinating) from my thesis a little longer, i'll share with you a few images from march.

bike at Meredith - this was what i'd like to call March coming in like a lion. the beginning of the month was miserable, but it's ended up beautifully! 
one of my favorite things in copenhagen last summer was seeing so many raleigh bikes around the city. this raleigh bike was spotted in old town fort collins over spring break, so it's likely that i'll always have a little reminder of my roots around town.
in case you don't know, the new belgium brewery - known especially for fat tire beer is located in fort collins, so this bike rack is extra fun!

now i just need to finish my thesis so that i can get a little time to take more pictures & get out on my own bike in raleigh! long story short...the wheels keep turning and life goes on!

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