sometimes there are many other things i should be doing, but i'm one who nees to take care of myself before i can do anything for anyone else. so, with a weekend with close to zero free time ahead of me, i needed that hour outside today. it gave me a moment to forget all the things i have to do this weekend and even where i was.
today's was probably one of the most beautiful greenway walks i've had yet--the trees were SO green, the sky was SO blue, the 70ish degree temperature was ideal, and everything was truly fluorishing. i also forgot my ipod since i went straight from class, and i think it made the walk better, because i was not distracted from the beauty of the day. it was incredible. a piece of raleigh that is often forgotten, and it really shouldn't be. for all the times i say i want out of raleigh, this one piece will be missed because of its true beauty any day of the year.
so, if anyone has even 30 minutes to spare this weekend, i'd definitely encourage you to take a little walk. it'll be worth it.
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